The credit goes to M-Bug's no fear personality. Even after telling her she should not try to get off the bunk bed without climbing down the ladder she had to try it out for herself.
It was such a small break that is was hard to know if she was really hurt or not. Lucky for me she is a pretty tough kid who happens to fall and get hurt A LOT with little to no whimpering and crying. She gets back on her feet and keeps going.
So, after an hour of crying and whimpering on the couch, and complaining that the ice pack (bag of peas) was hurting her arm I figured we better take her to our pediatrician.
They got her in within a few hours, x-rayed her arm (in the office I might add ~ love it!), and found a small buckle break. The doctor put on a splint and sent us on our way with instructions to take her to the children's hospital to get casted.
A soft cast she only has to wear for 3 weeks and I get to peel it right off her arm.
M-Bug really wanted a pink cast, but purple was all that was available. The doctor sent us home with some pretty Co-Ban (spelling?) wrap to jazz it up a little.
Two more weeks to go!
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