Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ice Cream, Baseball, and Airplanes

Ice Cream!
We had another stroke of luck and the Ice Cream man came! M-Bug was finally able to use her "Ice Cream Man" money. I think she enjoyed it!
I tried to get a pic of all the kids together but the older girls ate too fast. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that M-Bug refuses to bite her popsicle, only licks.

We're a little nuts about baseball in our family so taking the Bugaboo to her first major league game was a big deal.
We had a blast!
It was a little tough adjusting to taking four kids to the park, (hence the leash on the one that runs the most), but everyone had such a good time we went again a few weeks later.
The photo above is the Booch, M-Bug and Coco watching a contest on a smaller daimond they have in the children's area.
M-Bug and I riding the carousel.
We buy each child one token and they can choose how to use it.
M-Bug headed straight for the carousel.
No game would be complete without an ice cream break around the 5th inning.

M-Bug's day revolves around Big-Daddy leaving for work and coming home, so this week we decided to go see Big-Daddy at work and check out his plane.
We didn't get to go out to the flight line, but the kids got to sit in a couple of "practice" planes they have in the squadron, which probably was much better and more entertaining for them.

"I'm flying Daddy!"

Friday, May 14, 2010

"The Miracle of the Bunnies"

M-Bug has been amazingly strong and happy through this whole transition. As I mentioned in the last post we tried to get her excited about coming to our house by telling all the exciting things that she'd find there. She's crazy about animals so I told her about the bunnies that sometimes hop around our back yard. This is the one thing she really grabbed on to and used it has her coping mechanism. Whenever she would start to get homesick for Nana she would cry for a few seconds and then in her sweet emotional voice say, "I'll see the bunnies? I want to see the bunnies." Then she would calm down and cheer right up. It was sad and sweet and inspiring all at the same time.
After we picked up the other girls at the sitter, we still had about an hour and a half drive, until we got home. M-Bug had a little Nana moment and fixed it by talking about the bunnies. I told everyone to pray their hearts out, for M-Bug's sake, that there would be bunnies in our yard. While saying my own prayer in my heart I thought, "This isn't how this whole prayer thing works. I can't just turn to the Lord and say, 'Please place bunnies in my yard in about one hour. Thank you,' like I'm ordering at a fast food restaurant." So, instead I told Him that I know He knows what M-Bug needs and if she really needs those bunnies to comfort her they will be there. And if not, it wasn't because the Lord wasn't listening, but because M-Bug was going to be okay.
We got home, no bunnies. The night went on, we got everyone in bed and things were great. The next morning we all helped get Magster and Coco off to school. Daddy K, who has asked that I refer to him as Big Daddy from here on out, took the Booch and M-Bug out to play.
A few minutes later I heard him calling me and telling me to come outside.
Nestled in the grass were 5 tiny new born bunnies!

The Bugaboo was fascinated and so excited!
She said we had to feed them, so we chopped up some carrots for them.
(After googling what to do about the baby rabbits, this wasn't what we should have done. Oops!)

Big Daddy and I were amazed and humbled at the lengths the Lord will go to show just one of his children that he loves them.
What an amazing journey this has been so far!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Road Trippin'

Day 1
The Bugaboo was a little trooper on our two day drive. About 30 minutes from home was the first time she asked, "Are we almost there?"
She also did great emotionally. I am amazed at what a strong little person she is. She talked about Nana and Uncle J. quite a bit. Every now and then she would have a mini break down, getting anxious and worried and wanting to see Nana, or wondering when we were going back to Nana's. Each time this would happen after only a couple minutes, literally 1 or 2, she would say something she was excited for at her new house and cheer herself back up, ie: "We'll see bunnies at the house?" She's amazing!
Her first moment of anxiety came about 2-3 hours after we left. We were just pulling through a little town and saw a Dairy Queen. We said, "Let's go get some ice cream, and you can call Nana and tell her all about the ice cream." This did the trick, and turned things around.
Ironically when we were in Dairy Queen this is what our cups had printed on them:
"When I'm sad I get a blizzard......."

".....When I'm happy I get two!"

Most of M-Bug's anxiety over missing Nana occurs at bed time. At the hotel on day 1 she cheered herself up by following Nana's strict instructions:
"Make sure you jump on the bed when you get to the hotel."

Day 2
The funnest part about road trips is all the crazy souvenirs at gas stations.
We had fun on this stop.

Lunch at Subway
The M-Bugs sandwich creation:
Turkey, Pickles, Olive, & CHEETOS!

She saved a little dish of olives for Uncle J in her purse.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"The Bugaboo," or "M-Bug" is a fabulous little girl who just got a new family!
These next few post are about her adventure leaving one loving family to join another.
To help the Bugaboo adjust to this change we visited a few times and stayed with her for a week before we brought her home.
This is an iPhone pic I got from Daddy-K when he went to see M-Bug for the first time.
"She asked me to walk her to the I did."

Spending time with G-Ma & G-Pa at the cupcake store!

Playing at the park during one of our walks.
We took walks in the morning trying to create a routine that we could take home with us. We haven't been walking once since we came home. So much for routine!
M-Bug loves to feed ducks, and play with her little partner in crime....J-Owl.

The Bugaboo wearing her favorite accessory, sunglasses, and holding her favorite stuffed animal,
Mokey the Monkey.

At the park with the Booch.