To the bird chirping on the rain gutter: "Baby bird? Baby's your english?"
She rarely calls Boochy by his name. She prefers to call him "Poopy Pants." She will even introduce him to strangers this way explaining that he poops in his pants. The best part is when she says, "I love you Poopy Pants."
Big Daddy: "Where did you get such a pretty face?"
M-Bug: "At the mall."
"I need my hair's in my pits."
After tripping twice on her way to the stairs and then again on the stairs M-Bug sighed, "I'm not very good at walking."
Bedtime: M-Bug: "I want a song about worms."
Mom: "I actually know a song about worms. 'Nobody likes me everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms....'" and so on. We now sing this disgusting song almost everynight.
She is such a beautiful girl!